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Archbishop Naameh Ordains Five Priests

The Most Rev. Philip Naameh, Metropolitan Archbishop of Tamale recently ordained five Deacons into the Priesthood during a Mass at the Our Lady of Annunciation Cathedral in Tamale.

They are Rev. Frs. Edward Nobayele and Seth Kwabena Aberor ordained for the Tamale Archdiocese and Philip Opoku Nyame, Christopher Adjei Damoah and Francis Bobaikuu, for the Franciscans of Our Lady of the Poor (FLP) Congregation.

In a homily, Very Rev. Fr. Pogbeyir, Vicar General of the Archdiocese said Priests are called to mission, to be mediators between God and man, and to offer sacrifices to God on behalf of the people.

He underscored the need for Priests to be prayerful to be able to carry out their duties effectively. “Therefore, in celebrating the Sacraments for God’s people, the Priest leads the faithful to salvation. In preaching the Word of God, the Priest leads the people to grow in faith, which also leads them to salvation. To perform these Priestly duties well, the Priest needs to first deepen his relationship with God. It is only when the Priest is close to God in prayer that he can draw the spiritual strength needed for his work” he explained.

He also appealed to the laity to pray for their Priests to have the grace to carry out their mission well, advising them also to pray for vocations.

Addressing the ordinandi, he told them that the Priesthood no doubt has challenges such as one not seeing the results they expect in their work, not able to attain their spiritual aspiration, or even face baseless criticism which may dampen their spirits. Hence, he urged them to take inspiration from Jesus’ assurance to Jeremiah to support him, and also the promise to His disciples to be with them till the end of time, adding that these assurances should give them the courage to persevere in their ministry.

On behalf of their colleagues, Fr.  Nobayele expressed gratitude to Archbishop Naameh, their families, Formators, Priests, especially their Retreat Preachers, Ordination Planning Committee, and all who supported them during their formation and ordination.

The Mass was concelebrated by 43 Priests including Rev. Fr. Dr. Anthony Kwaku Boakye, FLP., Moderator (Superior) of Ghana Region and Rev. Msgr. Christopher Bazaanah a former Vicar General of the Archdiocese 

Some of the dignitaries at the Ordination Mass included Sir Charles L. L. Cobb, a former Supreme Knight of the Knights of Marshall and some members of the Forum of Papal Knights and Dames, Ghana.

From Francis E. Monnie CAMP-G

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